Advocate Paz Itzhaki-Weinberger has vast experience and reputation in 8 fields of law, all related to one another in many aspects, as detailed below:
1. Insolvency – Bankruptcy, Liquidation and company rehabilitation
2. Foreign Laws – Expert Opinions, Certifications and formulation of complex foreign company structures
3. Litigation and representation in court
4. Civil and Commercial Law, including class action and derivative action lawsuits
5. Conflict and Dispute Resolution - Mediation, Settlements, Arbitration etc.
6. Hi-Tech and Capital Raise Law
7. Accompanying international investments - Israel-other countries, other countries-Israel
8. Private International Law - enforcement and recognition of foreign judgments, cross-border insolvency
Among Advocate Itzhaki-Weinberger’s clients are leading corporations from all over the world and Israel, international businessmen, factories from various sectors of the industry and of course private clients and law firms who co-operate in cases worldwide or commission legal expert opinions from the firm.